"a clear view on IT & INNOVATIon"

L-IME advises and guides law firms through issues of digitisation and successfully implementing change.
STRATEGy and execution
L-IME goes beyond a plan. An advice from L-IME does not end up in a drawer. Why not? Because it is a strategy for all of us, with measurable and achievable goals. And we achieve these goals together.
L-IME operates at the intersection of people, processes and technology. You can't have one without the other. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that a change is supported by the entire organisation and you get the most out of an IT investment.
L-IME is your partner of choice if you want to know whether your office is making optimal use of the existing IT solutions or whether they need replacing and new technology offers opportunities. Together, we lay a foundation for efficient digital collaboration, with office colleagues and clients alike.

your questions deserve attention
What does our law firm look like? Have we optimised our working processes? Which software is best for my firm? What can I do to prevent a data breach?
So many questions and even more answers. L-IME provides independent advice that really helps you. Feel free to ask your question and we will listen. That’s a promise.

How refreshing are we according to our clients?
Dozens of law firms have now found their way to L-IME. We were allowed to help them with a variety of projects. From package selection to project management, from interim assignments to software training. We are happy to let them have their say. Here are some of the statements!
Gerard Gort (partner La Gro): 'Our new ICT environment is the sum of a thorough investigation, in which L-IME has helped tremendously. L-IME knows the landscape of providers and knows how to get the most out of software'. Sandy Rietveld Nielsen (ICT manager La Gro): 'Eva has experience as a lawyer. I learned from her how lawyers think. I was a newcomer to La Gro Geelkerken and had a lot on my plate. Eva was really a sparring partner. Actually, she still is'.
Loesje Frankfort (Manager Business Development & Operations AK Advocaten): throughout the entire process, Eva was an extension of the firm. Together with her business partner Marjan Hermkes, she interviewed a large number of employees and drew up selection criteria for the various disciplines on that basis. She talked to possible suppliers and sought experiences of other offices. Eva was present during demos and asked the questions no one else asked. Eva is incredibly thoughtful, but also critical. Moreover, she knows the practice, the legal way of working. It saves so much energy when you don't have to constantly defend why lawyers, and secretaries, work and think in a certain way.
Robert Brunink (Marketing manager Damsté advocaten notarissen): 'L-IME knows how to put her finger on the sore spot like no other. She senses interests, of each individual and of organisations involved, and melts them together. In a smart, flexible and human way, L-IME keeps the common goal in mind and together we can take the next step with conviction. L-IME brings interests, systems and people together.'
Bart Vastenburg (Managing Director Holla Legal & Tax): 'Eva skillfully set the awareness process in motion. Her approach of working with a core group quickly gave practical results and led to good internal acceptance. With expert knowledge, substantive arguments and the necessary humour, Eva helped us to communicate the new office policy internally to our lawyers in a clear and convincing way ... and yes, even got some sceptics on board with it.'
read more of our success stories
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search and compare legal it solutions
At www.legaltech-radar.com, law firms find and compare legal IT products and services for free. L-IME is initiator of the IT-Kieswijzer. LegalBusinessWorld is involved as a strategic partner.
The market of legal IT solutions is changing enormously. More and more (inter)national players and IT products are being added. A thoughtful selection can make all the difference for a law firm. legaltech-radar helps to make the right choice. This online tool brings together demand and the entire supply. All well-known IT solutions and their suppliers are listed on the site. Based on features, it is easy to compare various IT products, also based on user reviews.
how to select the right tool?
At several law firms, it is time for change. This often leads to the introduction of new software; either to replace an existing application or to implement innovation around, for example, work processes and IT infrastructure.
In the current IT landscape for the legal profession, there is a lot to choose from, but how do you pierce through vendor sales pitches? How do you make sure you can easily compare your views with those of the vendors and that their vision matches your beliefs?
L-IME's Selection Programme helps you make a well considered choice for a new supplier and software tools.
over 50 years of experience in the legal world
L-IME combines more than just knowledge. It is precisely the experience of the people behind this fresh company that makes L-IME unique. For years, we have been indispensable behind and in front of the scenes at legal firms. We know the trends, the players and the market. This guarantees results.